
The Section " Civil y Judicial " includes processes in which the administration of justice intervenes, such as the Council through its mayors, the governor, etc. These documents date from the 16th to the 19th century. Through this section, many social, economic and judicial aspects of our society in the past can be known and investigated. We hope that researchers and citizens in general can learn about and access one of the richest collections of the ANA.

Important notice
It is our founding mission to preserve and guarantee access to the historical documentary heritage that we safeguard, for this reason we ask for your understanding since we are working with the standardized archival description (ISAD-G), as well as in the digitalization of some remaining volumes belonging to this section. We will update this page in order to make it more convenient and accessible for our users. If you have any questions or problems, write to us at archivonacionaldeasuncion@gmail.com

Archivo Nacional de Asunción